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Frequently asked Questions

  • Where do I start if I never done a mailing before?
Give us a call We will help you through the entire process.We work closely with the local Printers and will help with coordinating the printing at no additional cost. We will also help in selecting a mailing list for
your specific needs.
  • What is the minimum number of pieces needed to mail ?
200 pieces or 50 pounds is the requirement for standard mail.
500 pieces is the requirement for 1st Class.
  • How large can a mail piece be and still receive standard letter rate?
Your mailpiece can be 61/8 x 111/2 and stiil qualify for letter rate.
  • In 1st Class Mail the rate increases after the first oz, Is that the same for Standard Mail?
No , In Standard Mail you may mail up to 3.3 oz before your rate would increase.
  • What is Move Update or NCOA?
Move Update is updating your data base with correct addresses.NCOA(National Change of Address) is
one way of processing your list. We will take your database and run it against the USPS database. It will check for any changes in addresses in the last 18 months, so if your customer has moved and filed a change of address with the USPS then you will recieve their new address.
  • Do I need to use NCOA?
No, although we do recommend it. You do not need to use it. You can have "Return Service Requested"
or a similar endorsement printed on your mailpiece, and you will get the changes sent to you thru the USPS.
You could also use "or Current Resident on the mailpiece.
  • How can I get my database to Cambria Mailing Service?
You can e-mail an Excel spreadsheet, Text file, or CSV. If you cannot e-mail we can take it on CD.
  • Will my database be sold?
No, Absolutely not ! We understand how important your clients are to you. And we would never re-use or re-sell your list. We will also sign any privacy agreement upon request.
  • Do I need to have a permit with the USPS?
No. Cambria Mailing Service will use their own permit at no additional cost to you.
  • If I am a Non Profit Organization can I still use Cambria Mailing Services permit?
Yes, as long as you are an approved Non Profit thru the USPS you can use our permit.